Due to a great response the Student Volunteer positions are filled
We will not be taking anymore applications
Thank you to all volunteers that signed up and have confirmed their  shift please remember to bring weather appropriate clothing for the day and a reusable water bottle.

Volunteers are required to be on site the day of the event for the full duration of their shift in order to have their Community Hour log filled out, it is the responsibility of the student to bring their Log sheet on the day of the event,

Volunteers are asked to be on site from 10 am until everything is packed up, students will have their volunteer forms signed once they have been dismissed and signed out with our Volunteer support team.

volunteers will receive a complimentary lunch, 

it is suggested that volunteers bring weather appropriate clothing for the day. and a reusable water bottle.

* if you are a member of the community and not in school and would like to volunteer please contact us directly to sign up.