BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND ( Winterfest 2016)
Once again we will have a Mutt Show there will be 4 Categories to sign up for. Registration will start at 11:30 and the Show will start at 12:00.

Best Dressed
Best Trick
Best Singer
Owner Look Alike

If you have any questions please email us at:

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Are you a Student that needs Community Hours or know of a Student that needs Community Hours?

Winterfest will require up to 50 volunteers to help at winterfest on January 30th

Sign up is NOW at the Port Union Community Centre main office,


Friday Night Set Up 7:30 Pm-9:00 Pm ( 2 community hours)
set up includes setting up tables,chairs and signs

( if your available to help set up please indicate it on the sign up sheet)

Saturday 10:15-3:30 ( 6 community hours)

students will get a schedule which could include the following

supervising and running activities

food serving

handing out passports

All volunteers will be required to assist in the clean up and pack up of winterfest


BVTLogo1 Beaver Tails


New this year ! we will be having BEAVER TAILS on site from 11:00 am – 3:00 PM

check back shortly for a menu !

Indie 88.1 Street team will be at Winterfest from 11 AM-3:00 PM they will be located outside where they will be providing music. Stop by and get an amazing HIGH FIVE !

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Kohel Mintz AKA YO-K will be performing 3 10 minute shows

Right off the streets of Toronto, this yo-tastic teenager amazes and fascinates people with his yo-yo. Kohel Mintz has been yoyoing for four years and every year his tricks are more and more amazing. His mind-boggling skills fascinate and amaze hundreds of people a day

Kohel will be performing at.

11:40 Am,1:00 Pm,2:00 Pm

Visit his facebook page

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Port Union Winterfest is looking for a Hockey tournament Coordinator,

position over view

Registration  of teams and confirmation of commitment

organize the tournament on the day of ( create a roster )

out source equipment and supplies needed,

attend monthly planning meetings.

if you are interested in this position or want to know more about it please email